代码:/** * 定义一个全局对象, 属性 Version 在发布的时候会替换为当前版本号 */ var Prototype { Version: VERSION } /** * 创建一种类型,注意其属性 create 是一个方法,返回一个构造函数。 * 一般使用如下 * var X Class.create(); 返…
#include <iostream>typedef void (*callback)(int ,int);
class MyTest
public:void setCallback(callback cb){m_callback = cb;}void add(int a, int b){m_callback(a, b);}private:callback m_callback;
};void onCallback(int a, int b)
{std::cout …
下面这篇Programming with pcap可谓包嗅探的入门级的经典之作,将它翻译如下,本人水平所限,仅供参考。
Programming with pcap Tim Carstens timcarst at yahoo dot com
The latest version of this document can be found at http://www.tcpdump.org/pcap.htm Ok, lets begin…
学习了一下JNI,发表文章的时候不知道该选什么好了,不知道JNI应该属于那个范畴^_^。1. 简介JNI是Java Native Interface的缩写,它的设计目的是: The standard Java class library may not support the platform…
嵌套、关联的类 class MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder 定义音频编码 class MediaRecorder.AudioSource 定义声音资源 interface MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an error occurs while recording. interface M…
把CODE列的内容变成超链接function FillGrid_CallBack(response)
{ var dsresponse.value; //ds is a DataSet var dtds.Tables[0]; var gridigtbl_getGridById("<%gdUserInfoSearch.ClientID%>"); var i,j,s; for (i0;i<dt.Rows.length;i) { grid.Rows.ad…
// 4-3.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include<opencv/cv.h>#include<opencv/highgui.h>CvPoint begin,end;void my_mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param );int main(){IplImage* imgcvLoadImag…
js中给出关于回调函数的解释为: A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after its parent function has completed. 意思就是说,回调函数是与其他另外一个函数异步进行的,并且该函数是…
一.What is upcallThis is typically supportedthrough the use of a registered callback function registered eitherdirectly by the user, or indirectly through the mechanisms of theframework.二.How to use it1.Binding the channel to an eventsource(pIRQ࿰…
本文主要探讨 Calico 项目如何实现 Kubernetes 的网络策略(Network Policy)。网络策略是一种以应用为中心的结构,设置规则来指定 Pod 如何与各类网络“实体”通信。NetworkPolicies are an application-centric construct which allow you to…
Use Unicode Character Set与Use Multi-Byte Character Set下的编程是完全不同的,自我认为Unicode 比较让人头疼!
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowProc(HWND hwnd,LPARAM lParam);void CqwDlg::…
本文章翻译自Robet Kuster的Three Ways to Inject Your Code into Another Process一文,原版地址见下面。本文章版权归原作者所有。如果转载该译文,请保证文章的完整性,并注明来自